The upper reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo River lie in a frigid zone. 雅鲁藏布江的上游是高寒地带。
Model: The more parts area of Heilongjiang belong to the temperate zone, and only less parts of west and north belong to the frigid zone. 答:黑龙江省绝大部分地区属于温带,仅西北部分地区属于寒带。
After defining the target of the extracting water resource demonstration on bio-mass power cogeneration plant in frigid zone, the strategy and method are explicitly analyzed and summarized. 在明确论证目标的基础上,对基于中水的寒区生物质热电厂取水水源论证的论证思路和方法进行了详细分析、梳理和归纳。
It displays an entire series of plants in vertically ecological distribution, ranging from the tropical zone, temperate zone and frigid zone. 它展示了几乎生态区整个的植物系列,覆盖热带、温带、寒带。
Research and Application of Polyethylene ( PE) Fuel Gas Pipeline in Frigid Zone 聚乙烯燃气管道在高寒地区的应用与研究
On Quality Control of Asphalt Concrete Seepage Control Face slab in Frigid Zone 关于高寒地区采用沥青混凝土防渗面板的质量控制
Fault cases of fiber optic cable link on frigid zone 高寒地区光缆线路故障案例分析
High mountain frigid zone; 高山寒带;
Design and test of straw gas heating boiler for high frigid zone household 高寒地区户用秸秆燃气采暖锅炉的设计及试验
NEW SOFTWARE 4. high mountain frigid zone; 新软地带4.高山寒带;
Low speed driving unit for belt conveyor used in frigid zone 高寒地区带式输送机慢速驱动装置
The paper puts forward the corresponding countermeasure in according with existed ice issue of hydraulic and hydroelectric project during construction in the frigid zone for provide the thinking and the reference engineering measures and non-engineering measures to deal with ice slush during project construction. 本文根据寒冷地区水利水电工程施工期所遇到的冰问题,提出了相应的对策,为以后类似工程施工期安全渡凌提供了分析思路和可供借鉴的工程措施及非工程措施。
For example the concrete faced rock-fill dam in frigid zone is distinctive in terms of frost resistance and durability, cushion material seepage prevention and frost heave, adaptability of darn filling with season coordination among construction diversion, flood discharge and the whole construction schedule etc. 如在面板的抗冻耐久性、垫层材料防渗和冻胀特性、坝体填筑与季节的适应性、导流和度汛与总体进度的协调等方面,寒冷地区混凝土面板堆石坝均有其独特之处。
The service trial showed that the developed oil possesses excellent performances in both frigid zone and torrid zone, such as damping characteristic, lubricity, low temperature fluidity, shear stability, oxidation stability and antirust property. 实际使用证明,该油在寒区及炎热地区均具有良好的减震性、润滑性、低温流动性、剪切安定性及抗氧防锈性能。
Affect of Ridge Tilth on Roots Growth of Paddy Planted in Frigid Zone 垄作对寒地水稻根系的影响
The effect of admixture on impermeability of concrete in frigid zone was studied the results of the test meet the requirements of design and construction. 主要研究了混凝土中掺入引气减水剂对混凝土抗渗性能的影响,并按选定配比以最佳掺入量掺入混凝土中进行抗渗试验,测试的结果满足设计和施工的要求。寒区混凝土;
The mechanical model of cutting side slope stability in frigid zone is put forward according to the research above. 在此基础上构建了寒区路堑土质边坡稳定性的力学模型。
The way of winter saving energy and compensation heat of machine lab of nobody on duty in frigid zone 寒带无人值守机房冬季节能及补热方式
Combined with the climate feature in frigid zone, this paper states that decreasing broken board in construction, improving road surface frost resistance and assure good usage status is the important part of mixing proportion design of cement-concrete road surface. 本文结合寒带地区的气候特点,减少施工过程的断板率,提高路面抗冻耐久性,保证路面良好的使用状态是水泥砼路面配合比设计中的重点。
Bumblebee spreads all over the continent besides the South Pole and Oceania, presents to temperate zone and inferior frigid zone in Northern Hemisphere normally, adapts to cold, moist climate. 世界上已知的种类有239种,自然分布区域遍及除了南极和大洋洲以外的整个大陆,集中分布于北半球的温带和亚寒带,适应于寒冷、湿润的气候。
The regularity and characteristics of the precipitation of finegrained tailing and the stability of fine-grained tailing dam in frigid zone are discussed in this paper. 本文通过剖析高寒地区细颗粒尾矿筑坝实例,深入讨论了高寒地区细颗粒尾矿的沉积规律,沉积特性和尾矿坝稳定状况。
For reservoirs in Frigid Zone and high altitude area, water surfaces may be covered with ice because of lower air temperature and slower velocity of flow. 在寒带,寒温带及高海拔地区,水库建成后,水面流速减小,在冬季随着气温降低,天然情况下,库区原来不结冰或者只结岸冰的河段可能全被冰层覆盖。
The climate in upper dam region of Chengde prefecture is that of frigid temperate zone, semi damp grass land and monsoon. 承德坝上地区,属寒温带半湿润草原季风气候,森林草原生态系统脆弱,自我恢复能力较差。
Effect of admixture on impermeability of concrete in frigid zone 引气减水剂对混凝土抗渗性影响的实验研究
New Integrated Techniques on Increasing Quality and Disease Resistance of Wheat at Frigid Zone of the Mountainous Area in Xinjiang 山区寒带小麦综合新技术试验
Construction of Long Diversion Tunnel with Small Cross Section in Frigid Highland Zone 高原寒区小断面长引水隧洞的施工
Study on the Variations by the Exogenous DNA of Tropical Sorghum Introduced into the Sorghum of Frigid Zone 热带高梁外源DNA导入寒带高梁引起变异的研究
Practice of matching between mini EAFs& billet CCM at frigid zone 高寒地区小电炉配连铸机的生产实践
Thermal storage technology of electric boiler and it's analysis in use for frigid zone 电锅炉蓄热技术及其在高寒地区的应用分析
The A/ C value was 0.708 in timberline ecotone and was 1.024 in forest-pasture ecotone. In general, the A/ C value was consistent with the characteristics of frigid zone. 2. 林线交错区的A/C值为0.708,林牧交错区的A/C值为1.024,其A/C比总体趋势符合寒带的特征。